Hostel experience as the best time of your life

Do you really need to read this?

Don’t you already know? Looking back, the time you’ll spend traveling in guesthouses, will be the best time of your lives. Well, I cannot guarantee it, as it has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.

But I – I am ILH… The Israeli hostels association, so don’t take my word on it. Not at flat rate, anyway. Have a look at this post by Mikael Ssöl – A visual designer and photographer from Brazil, absolutely in love for Jerusalem and admirer of all types of genuine expressions of the soul.

If you’ve never heard of the “Jerusalem Syndrome” – now will be a good time to have a look at it.


Just kidding… Mikael is a valued volunteer at the Jerusalem Hostel, who have some real-time, honest and focused insights regarding his life in the hostel:

“A hotel is a bed to sleep on; a hostel is your home in another country. From new overseas friendships-for-life to easily-made professional contacts, the hostel can refresh all the aspects of our lives by offering space and opportunity for deep interaction among the guests. A few examples follow…”

Check out his list of “10 REASONS THE HOSTEL EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE“, at the Jerusalem Hostel.