Author Archives: Israel Hostels

My Shabbat Experience

Shabbat starts with a deep and long sound.

For the people in Jerusalem this sound means: Put down your work and enjoy the weekend with your family. The whole city seems to freeze, but for me and the other five volunteers this sound means: Let’s get down to business!

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Summertime – Retrospective

Ok, we admit, summer time is usually hot around the world, and Israel is no different, but hey – the good news is that you don’t need to drag along your coat and boots, and you get to enjoy the amazing splashing waters at different parts of the country, amusing hikes, great dance parties, and outdoor festivals and markets.

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And so it begins – ILH Blog!

“A good pair of shoes” – says Evan from New Zealand as he stretches his legs on the hammock in one of the hostels in northern Israel, “Tha’s all you need to travel around the world”.

Whether on foot, or on a bicycle, independent backpacking is the ultimate travel experience that won’t leave your bank account completely ripped, yet will enrich your life with stories you’d like to tell your grandchildren. And yes, a good pair of shoes will do the trick.

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